Roger Putnum Prine - Online Memorial Website

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Roger Prine
Born in Pennsylvania
50 years
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Sharon Duke - June 12, 2008
I just drove through Barboursville and saw the sign at 4 CP. I rushed in to see what I could find. What a tragedy! My thoughts and prayers go to all who knew him. He was a shining star in so many lives. I met Roger as one of the "drama rats" at MWC in 1977. Over the 30+ years since I have run into him every few years and it has always been as if time stood still. Our talks would be heartfelt and his smile brightened my day. I will miss him.
Roger Lee Kenvin and Family - May 25, 2008
I remember a bold, challenging student, a hard worker, a sunny, jaunty personality, an observant student and potential teacher in Roger Prine. Lucky me, to have been his professor and advisor at Mary Washington College. He became a good friend to me and my family and will remain so in our hearts. We send our love to his sisters and family. We loved him too.
Shawn and Steve - May 25, 2008
We just heard about Roger, and wish sincere condolences to all of Roger's family and loved ones. We remember him fondly from our years spent in the late 1970's/early '80's at Mary Washington College. We remember a gangly, bearded guy with an easy laugh and gentle soul. Roger was always quick to lend a hand or share a great story. Although we're saddened to know his life was too short, we feel lucky to have known him.
Antoinette Arsic - May 25, 2008
I first met Roger in 1991 when I was stage managing The Night Hank Williams Died starring Roger, Jeff, and Duke. I published a magazine at the time, Virginia Country Life, and covered the play as it was the magazine"s first full color issue. I remember Roger as a fun-loving, joke-cracking guy with always a smile on his face and in many other plays to come that I acted in. He was wonderful and will be missed.
Susan McDaniel - May 25, 2008
It has been a long time since I last saw Roger at Plow & Hearth. He always made my day easier and was so much fun to talk with. So to all of you who really knew and loved him, my sincere condolences. I just wanted you to know that he touched so many peoples lives and will be missed.
Steve VeGodsky - May 14, 2008
I was so shocked and saddened to hear of Roger's death. Roger was a good tennis buddy of mine for many years. Our matches took a long time, not only because we were closely matched, but mostly because we enjoyed talking to each other. Roger was someone who cared about me and took an active interest in what I had to say. We would share stories from our personal lives. He was very kind to me and my family and brought us dinner when my wife passed away. He took great joy in his theatrical pursuits and I enjoyed several productions he was a part of. Thanks for being my friend Roger, I'll miss you.
Jeff & Dani Neeley - May 14, 2008
To The Prine Family:

Please let me express our deepest sympathies for your loss. Roger was involved in some capacity in every production I have volunteered for at 4CP, even if it was just audience support. He never hesitated to guide and encourage any actor or crew regardless of experience. He simply wanted people to get involved and love theater as much as he did.

We are shocked and sadden by his death.
Chris Allard - May 14, 2008
Oh, yes many ways I think it was the child in Roger that touched us all so deeply...his curiosity, his challenges and questions "why", his passion and constant wonder. Like his niece Autumn said, he would turn an ordinary experience into an extraordinary experience! I met Roger at FCP when I was only 13 years old (I think he was only 17 then). Roger was one of the people in my life who influenced me very deeply. I also worked with Roger at Plow & Hearth and felt so much comfort then in knowing that I could walk down to the sample room where Roger worked to become re-inspired by good conversation with him, wonderful music, or just be soothed by a good friend who would listen to me vent. Roger truly was quirky...but in such a profoundly great way. I cannot express how sad I feel about his passing and how much I miss him. My heart is so broken for his family. My best wishes to all of you in the Prine family for the strength and comfort you need now.
Holly Dilatush - May 14, 2008
So saddened to hear this news (just found out today)... I worked with Roger at 4CP as stage crew and set designer assistant for Lightly Seasoned (a few years ago). Have chatted with him several times since when I've run into him at other productions where he's either been volunteering on the set or with lights or as audience supporter. He was all the things others have already written here. Quirky is one word I haven't read yet, and will add -- I have always been drawn to quirky people! Wish we'd known how to help him hold on to hope and life longer... love the rainbow story and will do -- this summer and all future rainbows of my life will bring smiles and memories of Roge.
Love the childhood descriptions, too -- and it seems that Roge (like me? like so many of us?) was still that child in many ways.
Thoughts and heartfelt wishes to family and all,
Karen Prine - May 14, 2008
To all of you who are kindly sharing your memories, Please know that I look here as frequently as I can to take in and hold just another piece of who my sweet brother was. I am grateful for even the most trivial remarks, because at this time there's not a trivial word. If you know someone who has been too shy to share, please let them know they can even make fun of Roger here, and it will be good, he would smile and return the favor. We are so grateful to the wonderful friends and acquaintances who haven given their time to comment in this book. Love, Karen
Total Condolences: 46
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